Want More Digital Marketing Success? Track Everything.

Want More Digital Marketing Success? Track Everything. Picture Thumbnail

  • Track what you're doing.
    It's not good enough to implement a strategy. You need to track every last detail associated with every move.
  • Know the cost.
    When you know your costs, you know if you're staying within budget. When you know your costs, you know if you're generating a positive return on investment.
  • Track the results, too.
    When you track results, everything else begins to make more sense.
  • It all comes down to ROI.
    You need to generate more money than you're putting out. Enough said.
  • Now it's time to tweak.
    Sometimes you'll make a move that pays off. Other times, you'll make a change that works against you. […] As long as you're tweaking your strategy based on what works and what doesn't work, you can live with what happens.

Read the full article here:https://goo.gl/8Ei94G