5 Tips for Running a Successful Business

5 Tips for Running a Successful Business Picture Thumbnail

  • Make a choice, any choice.
    Dormancy is the worst possible outcome of any challenge. The only bad decision you can make is to make none.
  • Become the industry, don't just exist within it. Don't be afraid to create your own lane.
  • Never hesitate to pivot.
    Companies should inspire employees to be open to redesigns and encourage them to abandon fear of change.
  • Be about more than profit.
    A strong, unified, connected team striving to be better individual people is vital to any business.
  • Don't fear the void.
    Being aware of the void and possible failure forces us to keep moving forward.

Read the full article here: http://www.success.com/article/5-tips-for-running-a-successful-business